[YouTube Comment Feature Style] For all add-on programmers who need a real challenge!



  • @ squirrel: I think you're absolutely right, and I would *love* to have a way to include forum content as 'nuggets' in other sites/pages with some higher-(lower?)-level functions, plus a couple of 'functional modules'. e.g. Nugget Functions - GetVanillaComment(topic {nr or title}, categoryfilter {all, cat name or ID}, datefilter {all, last, first, startdate, enddate}, maxcount {nr}, returnformat {txt/rss feed/xml/html}) - GetVanillaTopic(categoryfilter {all, cat name or ID}, datefilter {all, last, first, startdate, enddate}, maxcount {nr}, returnformat {txt/rss feed/xml/html} ) - GetVanillaUser(datefilter {all, last, first, startdate, enddate}, maxcount {nr}, returnformat {txt/rss feed/xml/html} ) - GetLastComment(topic {nr or title}, returnformat {txt/rss feed/xml/html}) - GetLastTopic(categoryfilter {all, cat name or ID}, returnformat {txt/rss feed/xml/html}) - GetLastUser(returnformat {txt/rss feed/xml/html}) etc. e.g. Functional Modules (iframe-able) - ShowVanillaLogin() - ShowVanillaThread(topic {nr or title}) (comments and post box) etc. This would even allow enterprising people to use Vanilla as a CMS replacement... (a simple hidden site content category would do the trick) I could even use GetLastTopic to support a simple site versioning mechanism ("on this section of my page include the last comment on topic X as content").
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