Fatal Error suddenly on Email.Send? Undefined variable: php_errormsg Any ideas?

edited April 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Just got this when using the Invitation System. Never had a problem before. Any ideas? Notice: Undefined variable: php_errormsg in /homepages/xx/xxxxxxxxxxxx/htdocs/xxxxxxxxxx/forum/library/Framework/Framework.Class.Email.php on line 158 A fatal, non-recoverable error has occurred Technical information (for support personel): Error Message An error occurred while sending the email. Affected Elements Email.Send(); For additional support documentation, visit the Lussumo Documentation website at: lussumo.com/docs


  • edited April 2008
    This seems to be the line: // And send the message if (!@mail($To, $this->Subject, $Message, $Header) && $this->FatalError) $this->Context->ErrorManager->AddError($this->Context, $this->Name, "Send", "An error occurred while sending the email.", $php_errormsg); EDIT: This has started (suddenly) to affect a couple of Vanilla installations on my server (1and1) and shows up in a host of issues: InvitationOnly Contact Form, etc. Help!! :-)
  • Do the role change/membership approvals still work? I'm also on 1and1, but they seem to work OK. Don't have other email extensions installed.
  • Strange, I did nothing and its back to normal. It just stopped working. Anything attempting to email out brought on the error. Just tried again and its OK. Still, I'd like to know what caused the break :-)
  • edited April 2008
    probably something with your host's email servers ... they must have gotten it fixed.
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