External link notification

edited April 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Pretty self explanatory ... all external links go to a customizable "leaving xyz site" page. (obviously each user could disable this if they find it annoying ... probably most of them.)

This would be especially helpful for big forums that want to stay on the spam/phishing edge (wow, that was a stupid pun.) and forums with computer illiterates that will fall for any phishing attempt ("enter yer vaniller passswerdd rite herr:"), and especially if there's some payment involved.


  • ok you said it is pretty self explanatory but i don't get it sorry
  • fysicsluvr, I find that system when I come across it very annoying, if you can't tell you've left one site and gone to another your web-surfing license should be revoked.

    Then again, some people surf un-licensed and in stupid gear!

    It would be interesting to see it implemented however.
  • I find it annoying too, but alas, the worldwide web "government" seems to be just handing out web-surfing licenses to anyone with $30 / month, and some people are genuinely stupid
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