any flash experts out there?

edited April 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
i was wondering do you know what i should do to be able to make a login box that is integrated with my vanilla forum in a flash page and when the user is logged in, the location where used to be a login box would then be text saying the person is logged in


  • is that really necessary?
  • edited April 2008
    maybe not for you i want it or at least i want to learn how to do it so i was asking if anyone, who knew a lot about flash could help me out I did not ask so i could be faced with a question if it is necessary or not no offense you don't think anything i want is necessary but that is just you one mans necessity is another man's .... hmm i dunno.. you can fill in the blank : ___________ (maybe waste of time, trash, etc.) (sorry if i sounded mean or something)
  • i suggest the or forums for your question if wont help.

    btw. the question; "is that really necessary?" is for me an easily comprehensible logical reflex to your "exotic" question
    so hang loose buddy ;)
  • Exotic - differentiable manifold homeomorphic but not diffeomorphic to the Euclidean space R4   image
  • try
  • thanks for the help fery and fysicsuvr, i will check the sites out i did not understand what you said wanderer, sorry
  • he was defining "exotic," and trying to throw you off by throwing in some complex math (exponents!), also he forgot the effects on the esoteric Einstein spacetime continuum from time dilation and correlation coefficients (r2) of large lists of data.
  • oh i see thanks for letting me know
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