Adding something to HEAD section

I've been trying to add some google analytics to the head section of my forum, but I can't seem to get it in right. I downloaded the add-on for the old google analytics and used somebody elses's modifications to update it, but it still doesn't put the code in the head section. Here's the problem code:

$AddGoogleAnalytics = $Context->ObjectFactory->NewContextObject($Context, "AddGoogleAnalytics");
$Page->AddControl("Page_Render", $AddGoogleAnalytics, $Configuration["CONTROL_POSITION_HEAD"]);

I know that last $page command is what needs to be modified, but I'm scared to mess with it again; I crashed the forum a couple of times when I tried to modify an extension. A correction would be nice, but an explanation would be most highly appreciated.


  • I think you can do this with nuggets? Or isnt there an actual analytics addon? Tons of people have done it..
  • I don't know what nuggets are, and I know this is one of only two google analytics add-ons for vanilla. At least, that's all I got from searching the add-ons with Google Analytics. I just need to know how to change that code to target the head section, versus the top of the body section, as it is now.
  • do you want to display something with that code? or you just want to add the script to the head? (then: $Head->AddScript($Script); )
  • 'CONTROL_POSITION_HEAD' is misleading. It really refers to the top of the Page control which only renders the body of the page, so it's the "head" of the <body>. Fun!

    What you actually want to do to the Google Analytics extension is remove the entire body of the if() statement and replace it with this:

    $Head->AddScript(''); $GoogleAnalytics = ' <script type="text/javascript"> // <![CDATA[ _uacct="'.$Configuration['GoogleAnalyticsAccountNumber'].'"; urchinTracker(); // ]]> </script>'; $Head->AddString($GoogleAnalytics);
  • Thanks for your help, squirrel. Can I use that "AddString" command on any sections of the page, or is it exclusive to the Head section? I'm just curious, I've already got my answer.
  • $Panel also has an AddString() method that optionally takes two extra arguments relating to the position of the string on the panel. Check out library/Framework.Control.Panel.php line 65.
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