Port to Ruby on Rails

edited August 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
This forum system looks like it would a joy to port to Ruby on Rails. I am just learning OOP and Ruby, but since Vanilla is coded in an OOP style, it is only logical that it would be relatively easy to port to Ruby on Rails. I would even be willing to put up some money for someone to port this over. -David


  • I believe mark did consider starting to code in ruby but decided not to for some reason. Atleast as far as vanilla went. Enter mark, however....
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I actually considered a number of different languages and databases. In the end I chose php and MySQL because so many people have access to them. I'm not opposed to Ruby on Rails - I just wouldn't want to be maintaining two codebases.
  • I've been thinking about this for awhile. This is something that I'd also love to see ported and would be relatively easy to do so.
  • Uhm isn't the point of RonR that it is quick to develop new applications? If the application already exists then what is the point?
  • Because with RoR, you could add many more features much more quickly. Plus, the Ruby is much easier to understand than PHP, so it would help extensions along a lot. What would it be called? Saffron? Cinnamon?
  • "Plus, the Ruby is much easier to understand than PHP, so it would help extensions along a lot." To who though? I think the number of PHP coders would far out number the number of Ruby coders, for those that get Ruby it might be quicker but for the hordes of PHP coders it certainly wouldn't be.
  • i suppose that'd be the point of the options. It'd make sense to wait till v1 though i'd assume?
  • To who though? I think the number of PHP coders would far out number the number of Ruby coders, for those that get Ruby it might be quicker but for the hordes of PHP coders it certainly wouldn't be.

    Not really, Ruby is really easy to pick up and become proficient in. Its just a great language. Actually, the guy who made Ruby on Rails (David H Hannson), had been a professional PHP programmer for serveral years. He only picked up Ruby in the summer of 2003 and the initial version of Rails came out in summer of 2004.

    So, yeah, there might be more PHP programmers, but Ruby is easy for both programmers and non-programmers to pick up and work with, so ultimately you just get a lot more options.
  • Here's an excellent interview of DHH. It explains a lot of the same things you are asking me jaseone. http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/network/2005/08/30/ruby-rails-david-heinemeier-hansson.html?page=1
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