Wordpress integration help

edited May 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I'm trying to integrate Wordpress and Vanilla by using this method: http://lussumo.com/docs/doku.php?id=vanilla:integration:wordpress
I've hit a point where I don't quite know what the author wants the reader to do - right before the "Authentication Integration" part, the author talks about writing table alteration scripts for the wp_users table. He says he "ran that query on my wordpress database and double-checked to be sure that all of the extra columns for Vanilla were added to the wp_users table." My question - where, how and if I should run that query?


  • You'll want to run this query inside of PHPmyadmin. Click the "sql" button on the top right inside phpmyadmin and it'll give you a box where you can paste in a query to run.
  • Just a friendly heads up: If you're running WP 2.5.1, you're going to run into this issue: http://lussumo.com/community/discussion/8056/wordpress-25-bridge/#Item_18 If you come across a solution or workaround, please add it to that discussion. Thanks and good luck!
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