View Number of New Comments from Cataegories page

Hey everyone, I was hoping someone had a solution to an issue I am having. I need the categories.php page to somehow show if there is a new comment made within a category. I've looked around and cant seem to find a solution. Any advice?


  • i talked about it in one of my posts

    umm we could have the category have like 3 colors, instead of 2
    1- blocked
    2-not blocked new
    3-not blocked not new

    i dunno how to do it though
  • edited April 2008
    I had tried to help out some others on a similar topic by sending them a modified categories.php file that I had been playing with. It didn't exactly do what was requested, but it gave me a start to investigate further. I now think I have solved this by adding the same information that is seen on discussions page. It seems to work in my brief testing. I hope others will try it out and let me know if it works. You can download it here.
  • i get this error: Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in /***/community/categories.php on line 11
  • That file is to be used in a theme folder replacing what is there. I would recommend creating a myvanilla theme and then put it in there along with the styles you are using.
  • oh i got you my bad i did not realize / think about that
  • so what does it do? i don't see any difference
  • edited April 2008
    never mind i got it to work but instead of showing like maybe 1 topic it shows like every topic in the category i don't get how your file works i edit the number 100 to like 5 then only a few categories show like '3' ???? what the others don't show any sorry
  • That topicount is the number of topics to display. I had that in there from a long time ago in order to limit the number of categories. You probably don't want to limit the categories, so leave it at 100. And you are correct in that it shows all the discussions for each category. That was my original design. This is not a solution for everybody, but is a start for you to modify and move on with your idea.
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