Does anyone here work for Nokia?

edited September 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
If so, what are you guys thinking in the phone dept? p.s. maybe everyone should put their employer in their profile and save me all the effort.. :P


  • so that you can get free micrsoft goodies, blast nokia phone departmet and god know what else. Sure... I will put my employer up there. Me!
  • Mini is there a specific Nokia handset you're referring to? I happen to like the Nokia 6682. I have a few different phones. I still use my 6100 from time to time. Nokia's are solid phones. They're being passed by the likes of SE but they're still decent.

  • Nokia were absolutely excellent phones and i love them. I'm using my 6230 for the moment and as a phone its awesome. But its old. I have a k750i which is in for repair at the moment because its buggy as shit, but technically speaking, its considerably better. There reached a point a short while ago where SE and Samsung overtook Nokia in the phone spec leagues, now nokia are trying to fight back and failing miserably. It appears to me that theyre trying to copy the other manufacturers instead of just sticking to the instincts that made them kick ass for the past X years. Theyre producing phones which they're ultimately not very good at designing (compared to the simplistic approach evident in the 6230, 6120, and a large series of predecessors) to try and please the customers, and imo, failing. They should just go back to doing what theyre good at, which is making kickass phones of their own. And win back the market. I really didnt want to leave nokia last time i upgraded but there was really nothing worth moving to.
  • Well despite the recent handset designs themeselves.. I still think the Nokia interface is the easiest to use by far. The SE's always had the fancy features, but the UI was a bit of a pain to use. I had the K750i for about a month before selling it for the 6682. I want to get my hands on the N90 series phones.

  • yeah i'm waiting on the N series, i totally agree WRT the interface, but my issues were with the design. Up untill this point i cant remember any other phones as such that really kicked the comparative nokia's ass so much as they are doing at the moment.
  • edited August 2005

    Well I think Nokia really lost its footing once handsets started assuming the role as personal organization devices. Nokias were to simple and more users turned towards other manufacturers. That and the measly color screens Nokia stuck with for the longest time. The initial Nokia handsets which utilized the Symbian os blew. Remeber the 3650? Good god that phone was ugly. Seeing that phone forced me to get a SE.

  • But there was no need for that to happen. Its not like theyre short of cash or R&D, its like they just got complacent and lazy. We need a nokia worker in here.
  • so you can blast them? or just find out what the story is (and then blast them!)
  • both.
  • Ok I'm a Nokia employee. I'm very sorry to hear that you're disappointed with our recent designs.. Could I get you some glögg with that wine?

  • Here in Finland there is not much choise with phones, well till recently that is, I can remember back few years you couldn't get anything else than Nokia and Ericsson. I don't have any firsthand knowledge about Motorolas, Samsungs or what ever, I have used Nokia phones all my life and I'm pretty happy with them, and I have seen/tried few models of Siemens and Ericssons from friends/brothers and I'm very confident that Nokia is the best for me.
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