New Post Notifier

edited May 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I'm brand new to the community and just as new to checking out the source code and making extensions for Vanilla. The first one I've managed to make is a new post notifier. If you're currently viewing a thread and someone else posts to it. You're presented with a box in the lower left hand corner letting you know. a link to download the zip file is enjoy!


  • nice i will check it out thanks for sharing
  • excellent work, castis! :)
  • you could upload it to the addons site...

    btw, there is an extension that does something similar (i think so by the descriptions given, as i haven't tested any of them two :P) to yours: Live Discussions

    maybe you can take a joint effort on :)
  • addons site? Live discussion appears to actually load more of the discussion as its happening. Makes it work more like a chat room I think. This one is just a notifier that says "2 new posts" in a box and shows it in the title bar as well. I appreciate all the positive feedback so far!
  • I kind of thought thats what you guys were talking about. How would I go about uploading that to the addons site? I looked but I didnt see any instructions on how to go about doing that.
  • Here's the upload page. The link to it is (from the main addon site) below the "Vanilla Addons" title, where it has "Show All | Extensions | Themes | ..."
  • Funny, there's two discussions with the same name as this one, I didn't think Vanilla would allow that?
  • Yeah, when I uploaded the extension to the addons page, it automatically created the other one. Totally didnt know that was going to happen. Sorry guys!
  • No worries mate, maybe someone with the rights could close this one with a short comment re-directing to the other one?

    It will soon drop out of sight.
This discussion has been closed.