I am making A dice theme

Hello I need some help with the theme I am creating. I have been self teaching myself how to write the code. As you can see I have Dice in the top and the left side. I would like to include in the bottom left of the header a dice bag with dice falling out. To create the illusion of dice falling down the side. If you want here is the forum. http://forum.chadamgames.com Please let me know of any ideas how this may be accomplished . Thanks for your help Rocco Anderson Forum Adminstrator of ChAdam Games


  • you have these erors: Warning: mysql_query(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/chadamga/public_html/forum.chadamgames.com/extensions/UserAward/conf/settings.php on line 50 Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/chadamga/public_html/forum.chadamgames.com/extensions/UserAward/conf/settings.php on line 51 Warning: mysql_query(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/chadamga/public_html/forum.chadamgames.com/extensions/UserAward/conf/settings.php on line 55

    so you just want ideas for making a new banner?
  • Yeah I have a general Idea how to make it look I just don't have the skills to make it happen like I want it too. Like get two images into the header, or the panels. I know what the site owner wants done. I just cant get them to work for me. I am very novice at programming. I study and test to see what happens. Thanks for your help P.S. if you know how to get rid of those errors please let me know. I had these errors from the very beginning.
  • I'd say get rid of User Award and those error messages will go away!
  • I wish i could get rid of USERAWARD it is too good for the forum I am using.
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