Searching, small change

edited May 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi. I need some add-on, to change searching way. In default way, it's searching "*phrase*". I want to change it. I need to searching " phrase" after type in searching window "phrase", not "*phrase*" like it's in original. Maybe it's not important change for you but for me it is ;) I hope you know about what I'm talking :P So, can you do some add-on like that?


  • So, you want to return results matching only the entire phrase? That seems rather counter-intuitive. Could you describe your intended use? Perhaps there's a better way to handle what you want.
  • I think he means if you search for "a," have it only return results where the word "a" is present, rather than the letter "a." (possibly in the middle of a word)
  • Ok, I'll show it on example. My Vanilla is working as archiwum. In posts are links, IDs of users, their profiles, reasons and other. I need to search only ID, so when it's small, like 4, that will find part of link, other IP etc. I need to find ONLY that ID, so it must be 4, not 24 or 42... It's quite difficult to show. So, for example, I wanna find user with ID: 4. In default, it will find: All words, links etc. which is "4" <- I dont want it ;) In my idea it HAVE TO find only 4. So, it have to search not "*4*", but " 4", with space before the phrase. I hope it's easier now.
  • Like this?
  • Geez WallPhone mate, what took you so long? image
  • WallPhone, nope, it's still searching *phrase*. I need to search by it _phrase ( _ as space).
  • searching "_phrase" will still return "_phrasealicious!"
  • OK, new version up. I noticed that the highlighted words on the comment results page still highlight parts of a word, but the search should only match whole words now.
  • So... I don't know why but it's working... strange. It's finding phrase in first line of post (I'm not sure). But is better, it's not searching *phrase*. And I just saw that can't search " phrase", but "phrase", so without space. And one more ask... Will it find two phrases in one post as one result or 2 results? I prefer 2 results. It complicate add on I think ;>
  • If the same phrase is in one post twice, it acts the same as if it were there only once. Yes, making it come back in two results would complicate things a lot.
  • But now it's not working ^^ Can you repair it? I wrote what's wrong in previous post.
  • Re-download and try it now. It now has a checkbox so you can turn it on and off right from the search page and compare the results.
  • Thx, that's all ;]
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