Admin e-mail to all members?

edited December 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Is there any way for a top-level Admin to send an e-mail to all members of the forum, either in the control panel or by pulling a list of addresses and mailing manually? We have some big news in my forum, and I'd like to get a hold of members who haven't visited in a while, but I can't figure out how to do it. Thanks!


  • The function is not there at the moment, but I second the idea. it woul dbe most useful as an extension.
  • rings a bell..were you an o8er? In any case, if you need to do it urgently we can provide you with a database query. It shouldnt be such a difficult extension to write though. I think it's been discussed before.
  • it has indeed, several times. We're all hoping Mark will include it as a core feature for the next rev. That way, none of us have to make it as an extension.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I'm working on something to handle this.
  • YAY! Thanks Mark.
  • BenBen
    edited September 2005
    Great! Now what other cool features will you reveal?
  • Mark told me that upon first use of this feature, it will recursivly delete your entire website! :D
  • Wow that's so fantastic!! ... no wait.. hang on...
  • I can't wait.
  • Yay! In the meantime, if anyone has a spare moment to help with an SQL query, that would be great. I have a publication coming out today (on ChangeThis) that warrants an e-mail to forum members.

    @ minisweeper - I run, so you may know me from that.

  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited September 2005
    A SQL query to retrieve user email addresses?

    select Email from LUM_User where Email <> '' group by Email
  • Thanks, Mark! :-)

  • nope, never been there. Perhaps i just remember you from earlier posts on here. It has been a few months now. I forget things easily.
  • is there any update on this yet? :-)
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I really need to do this even if just for my own purposes, but I haven't had time to do it yet. And when people on here started talking to me a lot about something else, I decided to start working on that something else instead, and it's almost finished, and it's really swell.
  • edited December 2005
    I swear you named it that just for the puns.
  • But it is!
  • Is it a robot badger? That would be swell.

    If not, then I'll settle for something else from lussumo.
  • KrakKrak New
    edited December 2005
    no robot badgers.

    but how about robot raptor?
  • Oh yes, come New Year, Mark's gonna regret naming this thing, that or he's gonna have so much material, he's just going to be overwhelmed with it :)
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