Moving/Hiding Disclaimer (AKA PanelFooter)
I've seen several threads/posts about this, and I thought i'd add my 2cents to the pool. Many people are asking how to hide the vanilla info added to the panel on the left, and I disagree with what a lot of people are doing. I understand if you aren't interested in having the info on your panel right up front, but adding it to the bottom or the side or another page would be nice.
There are several ways to remove the information altogether. The way i've seen most people talk about is to go into your definitions.php file, and on the last line, change it to this:
$Context->Dictionary['PanelFooter'] = '';
Fine, that works if you don't want to show the info at all.
Another way, which is wrong, but going to add it so that if anyone is doing it they can fix it, is by going into the init_vanilla.php file, and commenting out the following line like so:
//$Panel->AddString($Context->GetDefinition('PanelFooter'), 500);
The reason you don't want to do this is because if your vanilla install ever gets upgraded, it will overwrite that and you'll lose the settings.
The last, and imho the best way to hide the vanilla sidebar infos is to put the following in your css file:
#Panel #AboutVanilla{
display: none;
Why do it this way? Because then you can still automagically add the info somewhere else, but it won't display on the panel. (Note that #Panel is the name of the encapsulating div before #AboutVanilla. Your theme might have it named differently).
So i've hidden it from the side, now let's add it where I want it! In my custom theme I opened up the foot.php file. I found the line where I wanted to add the info, and then added this line:
echo $this->Context->GetDefinition('PanelFooter');
Note that if you want to add the previous line in the middle of a quoted section, you must end the quotes, add a ; and then start the quotes again after the line you just added. Hope that's not confusing?
Then in my css, I created a plain definition for "#AboutVanilla" and styled it.
margin: 10px auto;
padding: 3px 0px 3px 0px;
text-align:center !important;
color:#bbb !important;
Voila! Now I have the Vanilla infoz on my page still, where I want it, and styled the way I like it. Furthermore, upgrades to Vanilla won't break my styling!
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