TinyMCE/FCKeditor formatters not working

edited May 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
When I create a post with either TinyMCE or FCKeditor (disabling the other editor obviously) i can create posts just fine. I love these two editors and would love to implement them, but i've run into a problem. None of my posts are formatted! All the line breaks and tabs and words are there, but no custom colors, bolding, or anything else. And yes, I do have the HTML formatter installed. Interestingly, if I go into the mySQL table and change "FormatType" for that particular post from either "FCKeditor" or "TinyMCE" to "Html", the formatting shows up! So i'm thinking that neither of those formatters are working. Any ideas on a fix? This is driving me nuts!


  • This is really annoying, but for whatever reasons KSES was completely stripping out all of my tags, even though I hadn't customized anything... Installed extensions == borked KSES. No clue why, either.

    Either way, I just changed out KSES for htmLawed, and it works fine. Now I have protection and the formatting finally fracking works! w00t!

    How (for Tinymce):

    Download htmLawed

    Upload the htmLawed.php into the Tinymce extension folder. Change the Tinymce default.php lines (around 14-17) to:

    //if (!function_exists('kses')) require(TINYMCE_PATH . 'kses.php');
    if (!function_exists('htmLawed')) require(TINYMCE_PATH . 'htmLawed.php');

    Scroll down to line 140/141 and change it to this:

    if ($FormatPurpose == FORMAT_STRING_FOR_DISPLAY) {
    return htmLawed($String);

    Hope this helps someone!
  • if i understood well, with this mod you can display tagged text, but is your stored text tagged?
    in other words: do you also apply the htmLawed filter prior to DB input?

  • The above post explains it pretty clearly. Follow that to the T and you'll be good. If you have TinyMCE installed, it includes KSES.. just grab htmLawed and replace those two lines like I did above, and it'll integrate KSES instead.... and yes, it does apply htmLawed prior to DB input to stop mySQL queries and whatnot from performing. And yes, my stored text is tagged also, only the tags I allow.
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