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forum within my website, without another registration or login in!!

edited January 2009 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Can anyone guide me to the php pages i need to change/edit. Little confused about it. Basically i have a one time registration for my website, after they login in if they want to access forum, they should be able to do so, with out registration and signing in again! So if you could tell me which are pages to edit that would be really helpful. Thank you in advance.


  • you would want to do it in an extension, so it doesn't wipe everything out when you upgrade.
  • You mean something like this?

    Dig around. Login integration is a popular topic. Depends on what other system you use as to how make Vanilla work with it.
  • Well, don't think got through with my query properly..lemme try again. Well i alreay have a registration form which the use will fll up to access the core fuctionalities of my website. i want to use vanilla as an additional feature which my use who as you remember has alread registered once. So basically i need the names of files like register-exec.php and checklogin.php or something of that sort so that when the user logs in at first, cookies for the vanilla forum will be generated. Hope i am clear about this. I wll illustrate it with an example. i have website called The user logs in. Access the core functionalities. and then he is also given a tab saying discussion forum. Which h should be able to access with out registering or loging in for the second time. Yes i think you get the picture right? Can Some please help me out. Guide me to the right file names. Thank you soo much for the quick responses! This community is brilliant.
  • well, i think what pbear suggested is a good starting point. try to check different integration guides in the documentation site and for sure you'll find something useful to integrate your system
  • oh cool. i think i got what i was looking for. Thank you pbear and miquel. I think i can figure something out from the integration wiki tutorials that pbear has pointed to. thanks a lot guys.
  • Haven't done it myself, but a few others have managed to integrate Vanilla with various systems. I'm also not sure what software you're using. If it's WordPress it may already be done which could save you some work and "gotchas". ;) Good luck!
  • Well i am not using wordpress. I think vanilla is better. even acts as a CMS. i need to integrate into my website. So..... i guess, at least by looking at how they managed to do it with wordpress, i can manage it with my website database and stuff!
  • Hi avin89,

    I found this tutorial very useful: Integrating the Vanilla forum into a PHP application
  • edited May 2008
    Got a problem. Not able to get past forum authentication. i have followed Prashant's blog as guided, and used this

    setcookie("lussumocookieone", $user_id, 0, "/", "");
    setcookie("lussumocookietwo", $verification_key, 0, "/", "");

    But in no vain. please note, i have successfully retrieved both UserID and Verification key. So what might be the problem?
  • edited May 2008
    Are the Cookie names correct? Sorry for the second post.
  • edited May 2008
    Yep! jkrogma got the solution to my problem! That was it. Thats a spendid blog which tell you how to integrate vanilla to your website with single login. I guess this discussion is resolved! Hey lol just figured out another feature for you guys to ponder about! Marking the discussion resolved! Like some of the other support forums do! Well thanks a lot all of you! You have been extremely helpful. I am soo happy with this forum that i have integrated in all my 5 websites. and, well these 2 are public. Thanks once again.

    OK i sum it up then. For people who are having the same trouble. This is what i did and i hope this help you.

    First you use this guide written by the almighty MARK to combine your database with vanilla database.

    Second step is use this blog for authentication, You know that one time login which you are dying to achieve.

    Well thats it! Well thats it! if you are still having problems. That means that there is something wrong on your side, keep trying. It worked fine for me. This is the site. where you can register once and it will automatically log you in to the community. which is here Community.
  • Second Step Link is down; no longer displaying this content. Try the following: Archive Link.
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