anyway to move the entire side panel to the bottom?

edited May 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Anyway to move the entire side panel to the bottom?
This is just an idea i had and was wondering about.
thank you,


  • Sure, I don't see why not. You'd have to create a theme and put the code from the panel.php into, say, foot.php to place all the content down there, then you'd have to style it with CSS or what have you, but it can be done!
  • Hamed you can also rotate your monitor counter clockwise by 90 degrees
  • or clockwise 270 degrees. whichever leaves your cords in the biggest tangle.
  • Or simply tilt your head to the right side, works for a while until it hurts!
  • Or you could get a right panel theme, and tilt your head to the left. Statistics have shown that 31% of people are less likely to develop spinal carpal tunnel when tilting their head to the left (rather than right).
  • sjeepssjeeps
    edited May 2008
    It can be done and I've done it here :)
    Check out the source and you'll see that the content loads first then the side panel which can be down to the bottom with a little css tweaks.
  • no, he wants the side panel itself to be in the footer. (not just the bottom of the php)
  • Yeah sure, that's what I meant by a little css tweaks.
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