Draft / future discussion

edited May 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
It'd be really nice if someone would make an extension that lets users create drafts/future discussion.

How would I like it to act:

1. Users start discussions with a pre-set publish date and category
2. Those discussions land in one category - lets call it "Drafts" and stay there in chronological order until the pre-set date
3. After that they're automatically moved to the appropriate category set by the user

I can see a lot of potential uses of this extension - not only for creating drafts. And it'd be nice if one could choose whether users can see and comment on those drafts or not.


  • this sounds really good I hope some one decides to work on it
  • Hmmm... perhaps one can only see their own drafts in the draft category (or possibly allow select others to view and/or edit a certain post) and allow them to select which category it will be in. The only thing that's left is a drafting mechanism for comments! Another thing that needs to be done is to remove the edited flag from it once it's posted, and say something like:

    Drafted (date/time of first draft) Posted (date/time submitted)

    and also:

    With contributions from: (username)

    Still keeping the X minutes ago / X hours ago / etc.

    This would be especially useful for the blogging addons, so compatibility is a must!

    Also see these discussions.
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