
edited September 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Does anyone have this or a bluetooth stack installer?


  • Is this what you want?
  • i dont think so?
  • Well are you running Windows 98? I believe the rest since then support bluetooth but the unofficial service pack link I gave installs bluetooth support among other things in Windows 98.
  • ahh right, i'm on server2k3 sorry. I've installed my bluetooth keyboard and mouse which work fine but for some reason the bluetooth stack they come with doesnt seem to have installed properly so i cant add other devices.
  • lol, and you wanted to run server2k3 why again?
  • edited September 2005
    Yeah you're running server2k3 on a server that can't be rebooted yet on that server you are using a bluetooth mouse & keyboard plus want to add other BT peripherals? What the? Or are there different servers involved here? Still that little word server in it's name is there for a purpose, I'd love to see our system administrator's reaction if I hooked up my BT keyboard & mouse in our server room to one of our exchange servers!
  • i'm running s2k3 on my workstation at home because i fancied a change. Yes i know its a server operating. Yes i know its stupid. But thats whats happening, so far everything else is working fine. The server at work is 2k and could be rebooted but not formatted.
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