
edited May 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I'm trying to get a Vanilla forum on my Freewebs website. I have the installation php file, but this is what comes up:

Vanilla Installation Wizard (Step 1 of 3)
'; if ($Context->WarningCollector->Count() > 0) { echo "
We came across some problems while checking your permissions... ".$Context->WarningCollector->GetMessages()."
"; } echo "

Navigate the filesystem of your server to the Vanilla folder. Vanilla will need read AND write access to the conf folder.

There are many ways to set these permissions. One way is to execute the following from the root Vanilla folder:

chmod 777 ./conf

I don't understand what to do here, or here:

You will also need to grant read access to the extensions, languages, setup, and themes folders. Typically these permissions are granted by default, but if not you can achieve them with the following commands:

chmod -R 755 ./extensions
chmod -R 755 ./languages
chmod -R 755 ./setup
chmod -R 755 ./themes

I'm sorry if this has been asked somewhere before or it's already been answered somewhere, but I'm completely lost here.


  • Do freewebs allow use of PHP? And do they give you a database? And proper FTP access? I'd be surprised if the answer to all 3 of these questions was yes..
  • Probably not..

    Do you know of a website maker that supports Vanilla?
  • Depends what you mean by website maker... plenty of web hosts do but not all of them offer 'website makers'. What exactly do you need it to do?
  • Function like FreeWebs. Make a domain, add text, HTML, etc.
  • Hmm. A lot of web hosts offer tools like that but I must say I've never had any experience with any of them so I cant pass comment on their effectiveness.
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