Need a Mac database solution

edited May 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
It's been years since I worked on a Mac. So, my skills are a bit out of date. A friend wants me to build him a simple database that only 2 people in his office will use. So, you Mac gurus, what Open Source tools are out there that I could use to build some data entry and query screens and a simple report or two? It would also be cool if I could build it on my Windows computer and transfer it to his Macs.


  • What's wrong with good ole mysql and php? I'm pretty sure both will run on mac?
  • If only two people will use it, then I assume you're not going to need something web-based. With that assumption in mind...

    I've been wanting to try Glom on a project or two for my Ubuntu machines, but too many other projects are on my plate right now. There's a port for it work on Macs: Glom Darwin Port. I haven't tried the Mac version.

    If you want to pay for software (weird I know), you could try the ridiculously over-priced filemaker.
  • Filemaker is now Bento?

    Get it right the first time!
  • Wow, Bento is awesomely cheaper than filemaker. Too bad it's Mac exclusive...
  • Can't it be hosted and made available over the web?
  • Also, you can have MySQL for database and OpenOffice (NeoOffice for mac native) for query/report. Both need some skill and may not be worth the pain for a small project.
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