Where did Bluetooth get its name?

edited May 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
image Bluetooth

It’s believed the technology got its name from the 10th century king of Denmark and Norway, Harald Bluetooth, who united the warring tribes of his region.

The technology was given his name partly because it was developed in Sweden (one of the regions he united) and partly because the technology, too, aims to unite different devices under one uniform connection.


  • Futurama:
    Hermes: According to government records, the only names not yet trademarked are "Popplers" and "Zittzers".
    Fry: I know, we'll call them Popplers!
    Bender: Good idea.
  • Thanks Wanderer! I was curious about this but never enough to do the research :)

    Futurama is awesome!
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