Ability to delete posts...

edited September 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Some people on my board are requesting the ability to delete posts or threads of theirs. This type of function is available in other forum software...would be cool to see here and I imagine not too difficult to pull off.


  • mark the post as hodden go to the admin tool and run the clean up utility (deletes hidden posts)
  • If individual users block their own posts, will they be invisible to everyone else?
  • users cant hide their own posts, the block post function just exits html
  • That's what I thought...
  • Mark stated this before, it would be like Me calling someone out, making a complete fool of them, then deleting the post like nothing had ever happened. It would be an unfair function for users to do this so it won't be considered as stated before. Otherwise if you do want this as a user function, you're better off creating it as an extension.
  • Well...that is why this is in the extensions category. :)
  • ahh, yes, right. I tend to overlook the titles category sometimes, my appologies. :D
This discussion has been closed.