Hey can i have zipped pack of all the addons?

edited May 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
This is a solemn request from the most laziest git in the world! Can vanilla guys keep like a zipped file of all the extensions available? where people can download all the extensions once. it would give better download rate and more coders will get popularity as well. Well its an open idea! What say?


  • well, IMHO, one of the main advantages of Vanilla is its ability to being customized to every community needs, so I personally don't see the point

    but if anyone decides to give it a go...no prob!
  • edited May 2008
    Yes... a zip file of 394+ extensions would be nice ;)

    The Vanilla Add-on Search page allows you to sort and search in a number of different ways so it's easier to find new add-ons, updated ones, and popular add-ons.

    <rant>Personally, I don't see the point of having a packaged file of all add-ons, not even just popular ones. The problem being that each add-on can be updated at the whim of the author and whoever maintains the package would be responsible for keeping it up-to-date and would take the heat when their package doesn't contain the latest version of extension X that was uploaded 5 minutes ago.</rant>
  • Zipping all the addons is simply impractical, to put it frankly.

    This discussion may be helpful.
  • hhmm interesting, different points of view. I agree the problem is updating the zipped file when ever the extension get updated. But i seriously think. Some of the more stable addons could be packed. lol.. ya i am very lazy!
  • It is impractical, I know, I've done it. It's a bit old, but if you are a dev just looking to muck about it can save you quite a bit of time. This could be automated with a little bit of server back end by Mark if he wanted to do it, but in honesty, it's not worth his time.
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