Friendly urls and Attachment extension problem

edited May 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I have a problem using attachment and friendly urls extensions at same time. When I "forget" to put in a discussion topic. I get an error saying: Some problems were encountered but when I turn Friendly URL's and attachments ON. I don't get directed to the error message screen, I get redirected my website's error document. Do you know how solve it? Thanks


  • I've seen this happen a couple times, haven't been able to duplicate it but never tried testing with Friendly URLs. To fix, try changing the Vanilla code like detailed here: Forced Category # 10. Then it should give the proper error message.
  • I have just tried it, now it shows correctly the warning of no topic written, but In the header it throws these errors too. Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/extensions/Attachments/default.php on line 703 Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$DiscussionID in /home/library/Vanilla/Vanilla.Control.DiscussionForm.php on line 125
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