Having trouble with HTML as a default input...

I posted in a previous thread a few times and never got any assistance with this. Please help.

When editing Roles and Permissions, I show "Will see the Html formatter pre-selected" as checked. When users make additions to threads, BBCode is now the default and its creating a few issues with photos, quoting, hyperlinking etc.

Is there another way to select HTML as a default code? Is there a file I can edit somewhere?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.



  • are you using the Default Formatter addon?

    maybe it's too much, but ther is a field in the User table in the DB, that is 'DefaultFormatType', maybe you can update it for all your users to 'Html'
  • I found this in /domains/lafixed.com/html/appg/database.php -

    $DatabaseColumns['User']['DefaultFormatType'] = 'DefaultFormatType';

    What should this line read to default everyone to HTML?

    Am I looking in the right place?
  • you shouldn't edit this file (in fact, any on the /appg folder, as they're the default settings, which will be overwritten on further upgrades)
    every change should be done in the /conf folder

    AFAIK, this line just explain the DB structure, it's not real data, so I stand in the same point than I did before ;)
  • You lost me...

    There is a settings.php file in the conf folder. I see a few default settings but none of them relate to default input.
  • sorry :P

    you can try to add this to your /conf/settings.php:
    $Configuration['DEFAULT_FORMAT_TYPE'] = 'Html';
  • That didn't work, that only took away the Text radio button. BBCode is still the default?
  • would you consider deactivating BBCode ?
  • I would love to, how do I do that?
  • Settings -> Extensions -> [ ] BBcode Addon Name

    Uncheck the bbcode addon on your settings page

    (it'll either be BBcodeParser or BetterBBcode)
  • Aha! Thanks.

    The problem was with the BBCode Parser extension. I disabled it and BBCode was removed. The default input went then went to text. I altered the setting.php file to make HTML the default and that fixed the problem. Apparently both had to be done at the same time, neither worked on their own.

    Thanks to both of you.
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