Custom banner add-on placement inside #Header div?

ericcarlericcarl New
edited May 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
So I'm following the advice here: ... for adding a custom banner to the top of my Vanilla forum. All is going well, except by default the example code provided places the banner code before #Header in the Vanilla theme. How Could I modify this code so it is the first element INSIDE #Header? It seems like it would be related to this line: $Page->AddRenderControl($LussumoBanner, $Configuration["CONTROL_POSITION_HEAD"]+1); Assuming that "+1" refers to a position in the tag hierarchy, I tried adjusting that number but with no luck. Any ideas? Thanks!


  • edited May 2008
    The position only refers to the render order for each control. Controls output a preset markup using a corresponding theme file (located in themes/). It is possible through delegates to inject code in to certain theme files, you will have to look through the theme files to find these delegates.

    The file you'll want to look at is: themes/menu.php. Unfortunately, by examining the position of the delegates in that file, you will see that you can't place anything inside the #Header div; only before and after.

    A solution would be to use CSS position: absolute; and move your content wherever you want it. The #Session uses this method.
  • Thanks sirlancelot, I ended up doing as you suggested and just used CSS to position my content visually. I'd prefer to have the actual HTML code correct, but this will do as a band-aid.
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