MySQL manager

edited September 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I'm looking for some piece of software to manage my MySQL databases, just a basic software and preferably free (why use free software like MySQL with software that costs), I used to use MySQL-Front but it got commercial and thusly I dropped it. So tell me what you guys use to dabble with your precious information.


  • command line, but that isn't much help for you now is it. I don't know of any free ones? is phpMyAdmin free?
  • yeah, i'd recomment phpMyAdmin. I dont know of any others out there that do the same job but i've always been happy with it.
  • What OS? On OSX there is CocoaMySQL that is pretty nifty and there is another Java based one that you can get as well but I wasn't a fan of that.
  • I use phpMyAdmin. It came pre-installed on our webhost.
  • phpMyAdmin is nice, however, it's a total PAIN in the ass to install for a non-root user. If you have the option to use it via your host because they set it up, by all means do it. I have yet to find a viable alternative for this since my host offers no external DB logins or phpMyAdmin so at the moment, I've resorted to shell and my own little php exec sql functions :/
  • Yeah but most of you guys are pro database dabblers and pointy pokers. I'm mainly a graphic designer and I design websites and that sort of things, I only know minimal amount of scripting and very little php, sniffing around my database should be easy and well.. fun if it isn't against gods mighty whim.
  • who are you hosted with? It might be worth mailing them and asking if they have any database front ends. Or if they can install one for you.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I use navicat. I don't know if the have a free version available - I paid for mine - but it was only like $100 or something like that. I'm pretty sure if you dig around the mysql site, you'll find they have a few different gui's available for interfacing with mysql.
  • wtf does it do for $100!?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited September 2005
    Everything a mysql gui should do. $100 is not a lot of money, and being a software developer myself, I like to pay for software that I find useful. Honestly, $100 is not a lot of money when you think about how much time, effort, and energy goes into creating a product for public release.
  • I've never tried it but Quest now make toad for MySQL that has a free download, I do however exclusively use Toad when dealing with Oracle databases and without it my job would be a nightmare!
  • I just checked the navicat and MySQL Studio, both seem pretty good, tho they have alot of functions I don't really need, but who knows. My host "gave" me the MySQL-Front but that was back in the day when it was free, and I can't find the free version anymore. Maybe a quick stroll around Sourceforge can pop something up.
  • i personally prefer SQLgrinder:
  • If your host allows you to connect to the mySQL server remotely, you could always use the mysql administrator or query browser
  • edited September 2005

    There are a whole pile of tools for MySQL, many are cross-platform, some are not. What are you looking for? An OS X GUI interface? Something Web-based? phpMyAdmin is certainly powerful, but the interface is terrible if you ask me. Especially for a beginner. There are lots of articles out there, blog posts, Google or your favorite engine.

    If I come across a really good review/write-up, I'll post it. I saw one recently, with lots of good feedback, but I don't recall off the top of my head where I saw it.

    I've been using MySQL for years. My preference?


    Sorry. ;-)

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