Can't activate extensions...

edited May 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
So... I'll start here: In order to move my categories around, I have to disable Mootools, for whatever reason. I did this, moved a category, and went back to re-enable it. Did that, and kept working. The Mootools header error never went away, so I went back to see if it activated. Nothing. I tried a few more unactivated extensions... they all act like they install successfully, but when I refresh the page they are disabled. Any ideas? Errors suck. :)


  • edited May 2008
    Not sure why it's happening, though it sounds like it's something javascript related ('cause Vanilla uses javascript to initiate the extension enabling). I bet it has something to do with the way Mootools loads scripts. In the meanwhile, you can manually enable extensions by modifying the "conf/extensions.php" file. Make it look like the following, where "XXX"/"YYY"/"ZZZ" is the name of the individual extension folder:
    <?php // Make sure this file was not accessed directly and prevent register_globals configuration array attack if (!defined('IN_VANILLA')) exit(); // Enabled Extensions include($Configuration['EXTENSIONS_PATH']."XXX/default.php"); include($Configuration['EXTENSIONS_PATH']."YYY/default.php"); include($Configuration['EXTENSIONS_PATH']."ZZZ/default.php"); ?>
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