Custom for my Site

edited May 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Gee, I hope someone can help me.. I realy like vanilla a lot!! But I have a community website that I created for the cummunity to discuss various issues.. The layout and look of the site is very simple. I do not want it to take away attention from the content. Can someone maybe have a look: You will see on the left is various topics, and then sub topics. If you go to for instance. The middle part where there is nothing, I want the forum to be there.. Can someone also maybe give me some advice on what to do.. Each topic should link to a different "Forum".. Thus when you click on "Lift Clubs" it should not show topics from another section? Do I need to create separate forums then? Will this mean a user needs to register separately for each Forum?? I am very new to this, I would appreciate any help.. Thanks


  • edited May 2008
    It seems like you're using the word "Topics" to mean a category of discussion. In Vanilla, these are logically called "Categories". Categories contain any number of discussions. I also think you're using the word "Sub-Topic" to mean a discussion.

    So to answer your question: yes, Vanilla supports multiple categories of discussion.

    Also, "U" should be spelled as "You", "Ur" spelled as "Your"... you get the idea... :)
  • generally "ur" is used in place of "your" or "you're," so it could be either one depending on the context.
  • Thanks fysicsluvr you beat me to it.

    Nothing says "I am an ignorant sod" better than typing your when it should be you're!

    your = belongs to you
    you're = you are

    Can't be simpler than that but people still get it wrong. *sigh*
  • Yikes, I thought I'd get caught on that one. All the more reason to spell it out then ;) Personally, I've never use "Your" and "You're" incorrectly ever since I learned it in 4th grade :P
  • Ok, thanks for all the help with my spelling.. :) I still do not really have an answer. You might have miss understood me.. (O, and my english is not very good.. I am Afrikaans speaking (From South Africa), so just ignore my spelling..)
  • Your answer is that yes, it is possible. You would have to connect each topic with its own category in the forums. You can customize the HTML of Vanilla by editing the files in the themes directory to make it fit your site better.

    And don't worry about your English, I suspect you write it much better than any of the above could write in any foreign language.
  • Sorry for the tangent Tienie!

    And then there's there\their\they're! I always notice when people make that mistake, and I get ever so slightly closer to going insane each time! It's not rocket science people! (although if you were a rocket scientist, and you made this mistake, you'd find yourself instantly jobless!)

    Also, saying, "Your all wrong! It was there problem when they left they're stuff their. They know better than that. At least you got you're stuff before it closed!" would say, "I am an ignorant sod," better. Too bad I couldn't fit a classic a/an error in! Better examples are accepted.
  • To be honest I don't think grammar is a requirement of rocket scientists... I'd sooner make someone jobless if they had poor grammar and their job involved being customer facing (or just generally having to communicate via written text) - rocket scientists are fine as long as they can stick E and mc^2 in the right order!
  • good point; they better have a decently adequate secretary to make up for it!
  • Rocket Scientists do need to have a good attitude and an excellent eye for detail, accuracy and conformity.

    It wouldn't do to put in a few errant coordinates then to have a rocket bound for Mars end up the the back yard of the Kremlin!
  • I don't know about conformity; they need to be able to step outside of the bounds of what has already been done. Have you heard about the plumbing "problem" on the international space station!
  • Plumbing problem? No do tell.
  • And Ithought I talked a lot of sh#t.. :) Thanks for the help WallPhone
  • News of it seems scattered throughout NASA's ISS website.

    Basically, the only toilet on the ISS broke down, and the next shuttle is coming in about a week.
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