custom category styles

Ok so here is what im trying to do... but I have no idea how to best do this, so basicly im looking for some ideas...
I want members who are able to create categories to be able to select a style for it one that is chosen from a drop down list maybe, or something like that... I know how to programe, just new to the vanilla script.
Oh and also I DO NOT WANT A PLUGIN! I want this to be a change to the base code!!!


  • any reason why not making an addon?
  • I wouldn't count on someone here helping you hack the core; there are dozens of reasons why this is discouraged.

    Extensions in Vanilla are very simple and fast. It's also possible that what you're looking has already been created, have you seen Category Color Changer?

    I found the documentation on developing new extensions to be very helpful, but sometimes you just have to get to know the source code.
  • ok... so add on will be ok i guess...
    @sirlancelot im looking for something thats not just gona change the category in the list, but i want the posts and comments to display different
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