reinstalling vanilla question.

edited June 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
My forum has been fine for 6 months, now it is going haywire, in that posts are popping up over the top of the original post in discussion. Go daddy said our software is installed incorrectly. So my question is if we reinstall vanilla, we will lose all our discussions and posters?


  • short answer: yes

    slightly longer answer: not necessarily
  • I'm more curious as to how you could install it wrong in the first place and why it wouldnt be noticable for 6 months...?!
  • edited May 2008
    I don't see how it's possible to do that either.
    Also, GoDaddy is full of shiz.
  • @datagirl, can you post screenshots or a link to your forum? Seeing the problem might help more in diagnosis.
  • My answer: No
    Its pretty easy to reinstall Vanilla and keep the current database and, then, forum content. Especially if your current Vanilla is up to date.

    - Save the conf folder, that's the key point. Theme folder (if you have a custom theme) and some extension folders may need to be saved also if they keep information in there.
    - Rename the current vanilla folder, as a second backup. Useful for extension install
    - Make a new folder to replace the renamed and upload Vanilla in there.
    - Copy every files from the saved conf folder to the new install
    - Open Vanilla. It should be ok with all previous content. Bare install, no extensions. Add them step by step (copy from the previous install) if you suspect some problem from them or all at once if not.
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