New installation ...

edited October 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Mark / All

Just wanted to congratulate you on some awesome software! Thank you!

My company ( just re-launched the website for Scottish Ballet (here) and we used Vanilla for the forum. Unfortunately I had to hack around a bit to cover some changes the clients were looking for. Just small things (!) like making the category view the default, etc. and a few changes to the registration process. The hacks (there's nothing elegant about what I did) were quite simple, even for me -- a complete novice with php -- due to the excellent layout and design of the code.

Maybe if I ever get the chance, I can redo some of the changes as extensions so I can update the base code at some other point ...

Again, thank you!


  • The ability to set a different default page will be part of the next revision i think. I'm sure some people would be curious what changes you made to the registration, in any case, +1!
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Nice - glad it worked out for you :)
  • camcam
    edited September 2005

    Here's a list of the changes I made:
    1. Made the categories page the default view: renamed index.asp --> comments.php and renamed categories.php --> index.php
    2. Added a couple of extra tabs
    3. Added a new property called Location to the user object:
      1. Added the new field to the regitration and account admin pages
      2. Added a new field to the user db table
      3. Show the value beside the user's username in a message
    4. Removed the "why do you want to join the forum" box
    5. Removed the requirement to view the Ts & Cs pop-up before registering
    I think that covers it.
  • That "Why do you want to join" box is a bit unnecassary for users running an open forum. Might be cool to have it toggled on and off depending on the type of forum you're running.

  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    @unfortunate - it'll be optional in the next rev.
  • along with the 'view t+c', correct? Is adding default fields an option in the next rev too mark? Thats certainly a cunning way of making cat's default.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I don't really understand what you are saying or asking.
  • making terms and conditions optional (at least the forced viewing). I think that is what he is saying.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited September 2005
    Oh, yeah. the "you must click" will be gone, but the checkbox saying that you've read the terms and conditions will still be there (legally it has to be there).
  • I like the way you are prompted to READ the T&Cs if you simply just tick the box without clicking the link first to read them. Love that feature, don't take it out :)
  • it'l be an option still i'm sure emacle.
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