Need to stop discussions from reordering themselves

edited June 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Is there a way of stopping the discussions from reordering themselves when somebody places a comment to one of them. Cheers Simon


  • take a look at the Chronological addon
  • Thanks miquel will have a look at this
  • Miquel don't know if you are still around but what does sink your discussion mean? sorry for being a bit thick!!
  • It means that it will remain at the bottom of the list no matter what. (it will also say "[SUNK]" next to it)
  • as fysicsluvr stated, the discussion remains at its position even when you post any new comment on it (that's not the case e.g. in this Lussumo Community forum) so they're actually ordered by the date they were created
  • I would like Chronological to allow me to select which discussions remain in their original order and which ones behave normally, that is, new post cause them to rise to the top.

    Reason being, people will not see new posts if they are not around the top of the list. The reason I want one particular category to remain chronological is because it contains podcast episodes which makes sense to have it in a fixed order, latest on top.

    Wallphone promised this enhancement soon!

    Posted: Wednesday, 4 June 2008 at 6:35AM

  • i don't know if wallphone has made any progress on this, but it seems a bit tricky to me to order a set of discussions by two different criterias depending on the category they belong to... :(

    i mean, i suppose you want in the discussion list discussions to be ordered like that?
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