Check IP addresses behind proxies-It's working :)
I'm using Vanilla on o hosting server that seen to be behind a proxy or somethig because i see only 1 IP for all the users. I'd like if somewone knows php to tell me what do i need to change in order to make the forum ip function work correctly.
For my Wordpress site hosted on the same hosting service i've got a plugin Check IP addresses behind proxies that resolve the problem:
Because I don't have any PHP skills
i need your help in resolving this problem.
For my Wordpress site hosted on the same hosting service i've got a plugin Check IP addresses behind proxies that resolve the problem:
<?php /* Plugin Name: Check IP Behind Proxy Plugin URI: Description: Check for client public IP sent by proxies in HTTP headers Author: Ricardo Galli Version: 1.1 Author URI: License: GPL */ function isIPIn($ip,$net,$mask) { $lnet=ip2long($net); $lip=ip2long($ip); $binnet=str_pad( decbin($lnet),32,"0","STR_PAD_LEFT" ); $firstpart=substr($binnet,0,$mask); $binip=str_pad( decbin($lip),32,"0","STR_PAD_LEFT" ); $firstip=substr($binip,0,$mask); return(strcmp($firstpart,$firstip)==0); } function isPrivateIP($ip) { $privates = array ("", "", "", ""); foreach ( $privates as $k ) { list($net,$mask)=split("/",$k); if (isIPIn($ip,$net,$mask)) { return true; } } return false; } function check_ip_behind_proxy($user_ip) { //$user_ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"])) { $user_ip = $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"]; } else if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"])) { $user_ip = $_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"]; } else { return $user_ip; } $ips = preg_split('/[, ]/', $user_ip); foreach ($ips as $ip) { if (preg_match('/^(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}$/s', $ip) && !isPrivateIP($ip) ) { $user_ip = $ip; } } return $user_ip; } add_filter('pre_comment_user_ip','check_ip_behind_proxy'); ?>
Because I don't have any PHP skills

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Luckily, I use one function to retrieve remote ip addresses. If you open up library/utility.functions.php, you can find my ip address function on line 392:
So, I guess the thing to do here is mix his function and my function together somehow. I guess it would go kind of like this:
I make no promises on this code working. I have not tested it, and so it may not work. But that's basically what you need to do if this other guy's functions work properly.