Whisper Extension Repeats LOTS, no other extensions?

edited September 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
When I go to my Manage Extensions area under Settings I find that there are dozens of "Whispers" extensions listed (all of which are turned on/off together), but other extensions. In this case I'd really like to see the skins extension. Is this correct, or some weirdness? I downloaded the Vanilla files today and am on The board is at http://www.falkayn.com/forum/ Thanks! Angus


  • please do a search, this has been experienced many times.. It has to do with php5 I believe, and you have to enable zend 1 compatibility or something.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Here you go: http://lussumo.com/docs/doku.php?id=vanilla:administrators:troubleshooting#extension_list_funkiness
  • I have been looking for that. Thank-you.
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