HELP! Please - forums not loading - sub domain could be problem - cookie maybe

edited July 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
@ work, we were asked to deploy vanilla for a client who wanted to have a simple and fast bulletin board. vanilla is the best in this category. however, upon uploading and installing to the sub domain, nothing loads. it loads well on the machine i'd installed it (due to cookie i presume) but not on other machines. the server php info: hxxp:// my system settings in conf. <?php // Application Settings $Configuration['SETUP_TEST'] = '1'; $Configuration['APPLICATION_PATH'] = '/mnt/target03/357268/357353/'; $Configuration['DATABASE_PATH'] = '/mnt/target03/357268/357353/'; $Configuration['LIBRARY_PATH'] = '/mnt/target03/357268/357353/'; $Configuration['EXTENSIONS_PATH'] = '/mnt/target03/357268/357353/'; $Configuration['LANGUAGES_PATH'] = '/mnt/target03/357268/357353/'; $Configuration['THEME_PATH'] = '/mnt/target03/357268/357353/'; $Configuration['DEFAULT_STYLE'] = '/themes/vanilla/styles/default/'; $Configuration['WEB_ROOT'] = '/'; $Configuration['BASE_URL'] = 'hxxp://'; $Configuration['FORWARD_VALIDATED_USER_URL'] = 'hxxp://'; $Configuration['SUPPORT_EMAIL'] = ''; $Configuration['SUPPORT_NAME'] = 'Developer4Ever Ltd.'; $Configuration['APPLICATION_TITLE'] = 'SNIT Staff Bulletin Board'; $Configuration['BANNER_TITLE'] = 'SNIT Staff Bulletin Board'; $Configuration['COOKIE_DOMAIN'] = ''; $Configuration['COOKIE_PATH'] = '/'; $Configuration['SETUP_COMPLETE'] = '1'; $Configuration['ATTACHMENTS_UPLOAD_PATH'] = '/mnt/target03/357268/357353/'; $Configuration['ATTACHMENTS_MAXIMUM_FILESIZE'] = '1000000'; $Configuration['ATTACHMENTS_VERSION'] = '2.1'; $Configuration['INLINEIMAGES_MAX_WIDTH'] = '125'; $Configuration['INLINEIMAGES_OPEN_WITH'] = '0'; $Configuration['ALLOW_NAME_CHANGE'] = '0'; $Configuration['PUBLIC_BROWSING'] = '0'; $Configuration['MAX_COMMENT_LENGTH'] = '500000'; $Configuration['UPDATE_REMINDER'] = 'Quarterly'; $Configuration['ATTACHMENTS_NOTICE'] = '1'; $Configuration['DEFAULT_ROLE'] = '3'; $Configuration['ALLOW_IMMEDIATE_ACCESS'] = '1'; ?> the files are not held directly on the staff.snitedu root. they are in a folder called web/content/ apache reads from there - i've no control over this. please help me. p.s where can i get a cute 3d picture of vanilla to incl. in our terms of service? do we have the right to make a logo not issued by lussumo? will link it on terms of services where we list all the licenses and technology used. sorry for bothering you. thank you for helping me. i used http - hxxp is only used here to avoid hotlinking and indexing from search engines


  • Cookie settings look OK.

    I get a redirect loop error message when trying to visit the page.

    From what you describe, it could be a firewall issue, where the computer isn't allowing others to connect to it to display the page, but it would work fine on itself since the pages wouldn't travel through the firewall. Is this box displaying other web pages OK?
  • other pages are displaying well. i'm currently clueless. any idea?
  • by other pages, i mean html yes
  • My error - it happens only when i disable "Allow non-members to browse the forum" in the application.
  • anybody having the same issue? it's the new vanilla. it worked on php4.~ but not on this server (hxxp:// help. please.
  • It's probably something related to the sessions then... what version of PHP is it running on now?

    Do you happen to have mod_security installed on the server? It is known to cause some strange behavior, although I haven't seen anything like this before.
  • edited July 2008
    Everything seems fine in your settings. Can disable again browsing for non-members?

    Is there any error message in your log files?
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