help...html not showing as an option below comments box

edited July 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
hi I'm setting up my forum + there's no option to format comments as html in my discussions? I've got "HTML & images allowed" ticked on both admin + member permissions but nothing shows up below the box. I installed fckeditor to see if that was a workaround so my members could format their comments but when installed it doesn't appear. The only difference is that when I have fckeditor running all I get below the comment box is "Format comments as Text" (with its button highlighted) but no option for html - admittedly this is more than I get when fckeditor is not installed but it still doesn't really help all that much sorry if this is something really dumb that I'm missing but I'd appreciate any advice on getting this option running... great product by the way! ;) thanks adam


  • You need to install the HTML formatter extension.
  • edited July 2008
    I have tried installing the HTML formatter extention, as well as FCKeditor. With the HTML formatter installed, i can enter code and it renders properly... but I thought there were some basic formatting buttons for users not familiar with html? Even enabling the FCKeditor extention does not bring up any formatting icons. Also, I had tried to post a discussion very similar to this one by adamo2o2 at (very coincidentially) around the same time, I'm guessing it was deleted b/c it was similar?

    Anyway, is there a default set of formatting buttons that is suposed to show up when html formatter is installed and enabled? If so, how do I enable it's display? If not, I guess I'll look into re-enabling and trouble shooting the fckeditor...

  • Yeah sorry - to be honest I thought you were the same person. Hopefully we can sort it all out in here though and help you both. There are no buttons with the HTML formatter - it works the same as it does on this forum. If you want buttons you need to use TinyMCE or FCKeditor or I think there are a couple of others around. Hopefully you can get at least one of them to work without too much trouble.
  • hi Thanks minisweeper, that's sorted me out! cheers adam
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