dude, where's my admin options?

edited September 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
so all of a sudden today there was a pretty big influx of new members to my vanilla install. so i added two people as user administrators, myself and one other person have master admin priveleges. but now the other master admin and myself don't get the admin options we had before. i can't enable/disable extensions, edit other people's posts or stick/unstick threads. anyone else seen this happen before? (nw: mark, lech, jonezy)


  • okay, god only knows how, but somehow for the master administrator role the AdminCategories and MasterAdmin values got switched to 0 in the database. once i went in and changed them by hand all the controls came back just like normal.
  • glad that is is fixed. Let us know if you find out how the value got changed. It COULD be a bug.
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