Thumbnails on Filebrowser

edited September 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
My thumbnails don't work on my filebrowser. Do I have to use the thumb file from windows? Do I have to active something? Do I have to give permission to something?


  • 1. No, most people here don't use Windows... 2. Nothing in particular but your PHP must have GD2 support compiled in 3. Yes the directories you want thumbnails generated in have to have their permissions set to allow PHP to write to them. If you create a new file named phpinfo.php in the directory you have FileBrowser installed with the below contents and then post the link here we can check to see if your PHP is configured right: <?php phpinfo(); ?>
  • I really don't mean to be rude, but are you actually going ot the thumbnailer page? The thumbnails aren't created automatically. You have to tell it to. I assume you would have done that, but we need to cover all bases. phpinfo would be great if you get a chance.
  • just as a pointer, if you havent actually generated the thumbnails, it wouldnt be the first time. So dont feel silly.
  • yes... I don't want to make anyone feel silly, but I am aware that it is a common mistake. we should make it just check for new files in there and thumbnail images automagically.
  • what if people dont want thumbnails? :P Perhaps the 'no preview' thing should be a link. Though i guess that could be annoying. meh. rtfm :)
  • I prefered the old non thumbnail filebrowser, I still use that

    but thats just me...
  • heh. I just checked my old galleries which are running on nevens filebrowser (which imo is very similar in looks to the lussumo one but without thumbnails etc) and it felt really strange not being able to see the images.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I prefered the old non thumbnail filebrowser, I still use that

    You can turn the thumbnails off in this version so it will look just like the old one, but better.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited September 2005
    	<PageTitle>Lussumo Filebrowser 1.3.3</PageTitle>
    	<PageIntroduction>[strong]This is the Filebrowser.[/strong]
    	      It is another free product from Lussumo that you can use to easily browse directories on your website.
    	      You can download the latest version of this product at [a href=""][/a]
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