Showing less of the Vanilla page

edited July 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Is there anyway I can reduce the amount showing for a discussion - for example I would like to remover the header and the left sidebar...


  • yes you could edit the descussion.php but you would remove all the header infomation
  • I think you should create a theme for this.
  • I did consider this but then I still want everyone to view the complete forums in one place but the reason I want the cut down version was for embedding in a web page where the forum was relevent. Perhaps I would be better off with a modified discussion.php that I could call via URL to only display a certain category?
  • maybe you could just embed the discussions rss feed in the external page instead?
  • edited July 2008
    Interesting thought - I gave it a try but it just looks scrappy and only shows the rss feed not it contents which is what I want! Which of the files actually displays the contents of a category?
  • After mucking around for a few hours and utilising my limited knowledge of php - I have decided that its beyond my capabilities. So I'm after someone who can generate a php file for me that will only show the contents of a category ie the listing of messages and the add your comments box. NO header, tabs or sidebar please. Paying job of course... subject to negotiation!
  • you could copy the discussions.php file, call it something else and rip out everything you don't want from it.
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