Uber Input Formatter

edited September 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hello World, Some crazy members of my forum have asked me to roll all of their favourite input formats into one. i can see thier point if the want smilies and html in the same post, but they also want bbcode + html + smilies in the same post. So.. my question is, how do I get the HTML formatetr into the current smilies enabled BBCodeFormatter? I have tried a few things, but I get errors, or it just does not format. Thanks.


  • IS there some way to include another formatter into an existing one?

    Like this line to include it on the page.
    $Context->StringManipulator->AddManipulator("Html", $HtmlFormatter); ?>

    Can we include the BBCode formatter in the same filter? Even if it is a different extension?
  • disregard. I have the answer. I will post it up if any one wants it. Otherwise... stupid post.
  • Hey if you figured out how to put mash everything into one to make it easier for members I'd love to read about it.

  • the "formatted as" type row in the database tells vanilla which formatter should be used to translate the input. Basically, you could mash ALL of the formatters together, however you'll have to create some intelligent switches along the line to say "ok this is bbcode, stop treating it as html" and so on. I'd like to get my hands on this as well :D
  • Well... now I just have 'text' input and 'uber' input. Uber input will let you put HTML, BBCode and Smilies all in the same post,, or, for simplicity, all under the same input format. This does not include Markdown for obvious reasons. I am finisihing it off, but it does work. I'll post it up here in a few hours if you don't mind (should be working as I wrie this :P )
  • @lech: I have to tested this yet, but I will.
  • I just nested BBCode and a smile in some HTML and it worked.
  • It does support RAW HTML atm. I am planning on making it restrictive like the html formatter extension. easy done.
  • and html inside bbcode works well. I have also tested deeply nested tags (of different sorts) and it is all working well. I should get back to work, but I will post it all up this evening.
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