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Styles disappear once logged in

edited August 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I'm trying to switch over to Vanilla from phpBB for one of my clients' sites. When I first installed phpBB for their project I didn't realise how badly written it was. I've got Vanilla working (a really simple process, thanks) but I'm having an issue with stylesheets disappearing. As soon as I log it returns me to the home page but it is unstyled. If I look at the source, I can see that the paths have disappeared and it says only <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/vanilla.css" media="screen" /> Sorry if I've not provided enough info but as soon as I know what is needed I'll provide it.


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    Thought this might be useful too: <?php // Application Settings $Configuration['SETUP_TEST'] = '1'; $Configuration['APPLICATION_PATH'] = '/home/ideal/public_html/ldev/sam/ri5/fivum/'; $Configuration['DATABASE_PATH'] = '/home/ideal/public_html/ldev/sam/ri5/fivum/conf/database.php'; $Configuration['LIBRARY_PATH'] = '/home/ideal/public_html/ldev/sam/ri5/fivum/library/'; $Configuration['EXTENSIONS_PATH'] = '/home/ideal/public_html/ldev/sam/ri5/fivum/extensions/'; $Configuration['LANGUAGES_PATH'] = '/home/ideal/public_html/ldev/sam/ri5/fivum/languages/'; $Configuration['THEME_PATH'] = '/home/ideal/public_html/ldev/sam/ri5/fivum/themes/vanbook/'; $Configuration['DEFAULT_STYLE'] = '/sam/ri5/fivum/themes/vanilla/styles/default/'; $Configuration['WEB_ROOT'] = '/sam/ri5/fivum/'; $Configuration['BASE_URL'] = ''; $Configuration['FORWARD_VALIDATED_USER_URL'] = ''; $Configuration['SUPPORT_EMAIL'] = 'sam@idealwebsites'; $Configuration['SUPPORT_NAME'] = 'sam@idealwebsites'; $Configuration['APPLICATION_TITLE'] = 'Ri Fivum'; $Configuration['BANNER_TITLE'] = 'Ri Fivum'; $Configuration['COOKIE_DOMAIN'] = ''; $Configuration['COOKIE_PATH'] = '/sam/ri5/fivum/'; $Configuration['SETUP_COMPLETE'] = '1'; ?>
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    When you add a style have you tried clicking 'apply this to all users'?
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    Yeah I did try that and nothing happened, however now that I've installed and applied a different theme everything seems to work.
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