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Disable "Forgot your Password?" and "Apply for Membership"

edited August 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I'm using a custom authenticator that uses an external database for user authentication. Our users are all existing members of our organization; accounts and passwords and all that are handled on a separate system. I've already set things so that users can't change their user names and passwords through Vanilla, and to avoid confusion I'd like to disable the "Forgot your Password?" and "Apply for Membership" links on the login page. I thought I could comment out the relevant "AddRenderControl" lines in people.php, but that doesn't seem to have done it. To be clear, I'd like to remove the links from the main login page. I did actually succeed in disabling them, in that when you clicking the links leads to a non-functional page, but that's not an optimal solution. Can someone tell me how to disable these functions? Thanks!


  • Options
    Probably easiest to just delete the links in the theme files?
  • Options
    Thanks--that did the trick. I'm still learning my way around, and I wasn't sure where those elements came from.
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