
Anyone finish developing some sort of calendar extension yet? Here's the one I'm using on my phpBB forum right now... I want to switch so badly :(


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Do you have an example of that thing in action?
  • And clicky on the text calendar
  • Thank-you.
  • OMG! HI MARC!!!
  • That's a fairly obnoxious calendar, marc. However, I somewhat liked the older YH event calendar, if anything, that would be a neat extension/function to mimic rather than this one.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I've mentioned this before, but I have php code to build a calendar if anyone wants it.
  • Hi nifkin! Mark - what code do you have an what would need to be done with it? I'm kind of a heavy-handed tard when it comes to building things myself. lech - yeah, the YH one would be nice. HOwever, if you just look at the front page of that example that Kosmo posted - there's a small 'Calendar V' link. Click that and it drops down a small, week-view of the calendar with short titles.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited September 2005
    I think a slick way of making a calendar would be to add a new "date" input in the "Start a new discussion" form. That way if you specify a date for your discussion, it appears in the calendar. You may want to make that option only available to particular roles. Then you can have a mini-summary thinger in the control panel where it shows upcoming events. It would just show the title and allow you to click a title to see that discussion/event. If it was done that way, you wouldn't even need my calendar code.
  • I hate calendars that blow up on your face, with huge interfaces and all. I like more about the calendars with small box, with only the day number and the number is bold when you have something on it and when you hover over it, a small, CSS or DHTML popup tells you what you have on that day and when you make the mouse clicky it gives either a small popup window where you can mess around with the thingies. And there is just a perfect place for a calendar below the "Text only mode" box. Aww yeah, if someone is willing to make the code, I can look if I can soup up some CSS code to make it look spiffy.
  • +1 kosmo's idea.
  • Mark - that's how this phpBB mod works - just adds a small series of inputs under the standard post thread shit: date, time, &c... if you don't fill it out, the thing is just posted as a regular thread. If you fill it out, it is posted to the calendar. Kosmo - I like that display idea too... but I've got a forum that is mostly about events and it kind of makes more sense to have a bit more imposing calendar info.
  • +1 for the little calendar view. I don't really like that phpBB calendar.
  • Markle Sparkle, most of us here like things minimal and out of the way if we are not using it but still accessible when we want to casually check something out, only the necessary things for the board to operate are shown, the calendar is best that way.
  • OK, cool... so who wants to build it?
  • marks 'slick' idea does indeed sound slick! anyone get anywhere with this at all whenever maybe?
  • mark this would be so cool!
  • edited December 2005
    If mark's idea were extended slightly to let people RSVP for events, this would save me a *ton* of work... Anyone want to give it a shot?
  • Anyone think that the layout might work best if it was done as tabular data than just pure CSS?
  • Why wouldn't you use tables?
  • Considering this kind of project, I WOULD use tables.
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