
edited September 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Can someone from the community add the correct information to or send the information, with the name of your forum to... capiCrimm (_the@si.gn_) gmail (_do t_) com Thank you


  • I loaded some brief specs, mark you may want to double check it for accuracy.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Dammit. I hate pages like that.
  • I also dislike them. I had a look through some of their criteria. Why should it matter that vanilla does not ship with a calendar or image upload functionality? They COULD become available. but there is no reason they should be included in the code package. I think that pages criteria are bad. But.... looking at the storage criteria, PostgreSQL could come in handy. That or MSQLi. Those are quite popular. Anyone up for a port? it can't be too hard can it? it is still sql...
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I'm hoping someone will take on the "other database ports" thing when I get vanilla onto a cvs. I mean, I could do it - but I want to get started on other applications. I've built it so that you can just write a new sql builder to do it for you, and then interface with a new database object. Granted, if you want to do something like use stored procedures instead of select statements, it might require more work in the core.
  • Yeah, I'll also agree that the page there with that given "chart" isn't exactly bolstering a bright comparison on features. However, I guess it does give a vague over-view of what's in store. The rest is really up to any given user to visit the site and compare for themselves.
  • are you making a cvs for vanilla? I thought that if you were going down that path, you would chose SVN or something. It could just be semantics on my part as you have never used either application before, but I want to be sure.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I haven't decided which software to use yet, but I will be making the source public and editable by all.
  • edited September 2005
    But Vanilla ships with calendar and image uploading features, it's just in form of "MYFS" that I adore so much (Make it Your Fucking Self). Could someone explain what are these CVS and SVN thingies, I have heard people talking about them, but it just sounds so cryptic to me, explain it to me like you would explain astrophysics to a rat, I'm a graphic designer afterall. Oh and I'd like to start a Wiki page on Vanilla, so if someone would like to give me the details, and maybe some grammar Nazis would like to check the final text for typos, since I make them alot.
  • kosmo - you can make your own account on the wiki and then making a page is easy as pie (look out for the 'edit this' type boxes. The way to do it is to provide a link to nothing, click it, and then it'l ask you to make the page. I'm sure if you post it up someone will check through. Use the playground first, too. CVS (Concurrent Versioning System) and SVN (Subversion) are packages whereby a source code is uploaded, and a larger (or the entire public) number of people have access to edit it and save their changes as a new version (or sub version if it's only a minor update). It helps to allow large numbers of people to work on the same project without overlapping each others work (as users can lock sections that theyre working on till theyre finished) in a similar way to a wiki. Imagine if you were designing a HUGE canvas (vanilla's no small job!) and a different designer felt that one corner of it could be improved. He could take that little piece away, flash it up, and bring it back. You could then either say 'nah, dontlike it.' or 'oooh, like what you did there' and it would reverse back or remain updated depending. Atleast thats how i understand it. Hope it makes sense and is correct...
  • I guess the rat understands... I know how to edit wiki pages, I have edited several of them. I just need more accurate information about Vanilla, like when Mark started on it, and did it have a codename, well basically everything about Vanilla history and what it holds for us in the future.
  • ahh right, sorry. i misunderstood. *hands over
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Kosmo: good idea! Just the other day I had someone email me saying that the only way they could track me down was by doing a whois on Turns out I never even put my name up on any of my own websites other than (which isn't linked on any of my other sites - not even the wiki). Doh! If you have a list of questions, just email them to support [at] lussumo [dot] com and I'll answer them all :)
  • /me gathers a pile of questions
  • he's a hugger. what else do you really need to know? i want vanilla to be open, but i also know that will be when bloat comes in becuase geeks just can't help themselves.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I'll keep a tight leash on it.
  • edited September 2005
    There are alot of great designers and web programming professionals that could help out on Vanilla, writing extensions and making new public themes and helping out adding features when Vanilla goes CVS/SVN/placeyourfavouriteacronymhere. I have been looking for different boards for a long long time and never even heard a mention about Vanilla untill.. hmm.. how the hell did I even get here? Maybe it was a news item on Stylegala.. or maybe not. Well anywho, I just think that Nilla (yes, it's a cuted up nickname for Vanilla) deserves more popularity. Mark, I mailed about the wiki.
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