LOL @ mediatemple

edited September 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
really ... can someone explain to me why this shitty excuse for hosting exists? i have a client that INSISTED on using them ... and, of course, i get a call today "the web's down!" "yeah, mt is hosed. not my fault. call 'em and bitch." ugh. what a pathetic excuse for a hosting provider.


  • well i'm sure the fact that most of LA has no power has something to do with it.
  • haha, yeah, how pathetic. they can't even force one of the largest power grids in the country back on. geez. :P Dreamhost was down too, and they've been pretty reliable for me. I would chalk this one up as being out of their hands.
  • you'd think they've have some sort of contingency plan.
  • dont most hosting providers have generator backup? In other news, why do people bother living in america. Its always being broken by something.
  • dont most hosting providers have generator backup?

    kinda what i thought.
  • yea that's strange. big companies like that should have servers in more than one place. But how many times has it failed in their hands?
  • w(here)tf are the generators? That is a must have for large hosting companies like mt. That is just laziness. (or profits? or crazy fuel prices? or both? They might have sold ther fuel for extra cash!).
  • edited September 2005
    Read the news bitch before you start bashing one of the greatest hosting companies in the states. " Yes. (mt) Media Temple and the Garland Building (our LA data center building location) has one of the most sophisticated, redundant power systems in all of Los Angeles. As a matter of fact there are few buildings that rival the amount of redundancy and investment which has been put into the Garland Building's backup power systems. As explained however today; the building's power failure was caused by "human error" similar to the larger, citywide issue. When the citywide power outage occurred, the Garland Building's main UPS and backup power generator systems activated successfully and provided power to the building during the early stages of the city's power outage. After approximately 30 minutes, the Garland Building engineers began to "further assist" the power situation which resulted in some form of "human error" on their part and interrupted the backup power service altogether thus causing the entire building to loose power. All tenants and data center occupants were instructed to immediately evacuate the building as the building engineers continued to "work" on the issue. After approximately 2 hours, building engineers restored power to the building near simultaneous to the rest of the Los Angeles power deprived areas. Building engineers state they are acutely aware of what caused the Garland Building power failure and have remedy to prevent such failures in the future. (mt) Media Temple is awaiting more detailed and specific information which will be posted here when received. A great deal of time and money has been invested into this power system so we are watching this matter very closely. "
  • Who's bitching? Who are you talking to? If it is human error, it is just stupid. Should not have happened. On a different note. It did not effect me as I live in Australia and was sleeping.
  • The power failure was caused by a squirrel who lost its nut.

  • I heard some electrician at the power station just plugged something into the wrong socket.
  • @ The power failure was caused by a squirrel who lost its nut.: Damn Squirrels.
  • /me lols at trent coming here to bitch about MT cuz YH was down. :)
  • I heard some electrician at the power station just plugged something into the wrong socket.

    I heard something like that also. Or I mean I briefly scanned over an article that said the fault lied on a single person.

    Hmm.. Is this the coffee maker power switch...? Oops.

  • YH! being down is a great sacriledge. those people need that place, otherwise they will infect this place along with the rest of the internet.
  • i was just looking for a turkey sandwich, and somehow ended up here.
  • /me makes derrick a sandwich
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