This is the thread where minisweeper stumbles in drunk...

edited September 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Well it had to happen..


  • i don't really like that signature thing on top of your post, they should have it on the bottom
  • edited September 2005
    it's not a signature. It is a role title. So, IMO, it should be at the top.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Plus, it can be moved with css (or with a different template in 0.9.3) ps. I know I keep pumping up 0.9.3. And I know it must get annoying since there's no launch date announced. And I apologize for that. But I'm excited about it.
  • /me whips mark 0.9.3, heed, now!
  • haha. I would love to even get half the stuff you have done. Are just going to release it one day, or are you going to have it beta tested with some developers? I am if it is the latter.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    beta tested, for sure. Too many things have changed since 0.9.2...
  • Will you release information about your next project when you release Vanilla 0.9.3? And what happened to codenames, they are way cool.
  • Yeah. Codenames are cool. Don't tell us what it is yet mark, just a codename.
  • edited September 2005
    Like Xbox 360 sounds so gay that it makes me sick, but Xenon, oh boy, that sounds so slick and powerful, and that is why I use the work Xenon rather than xBOB 360o
  • exactly!
  • BenBen
    edited September 2005
    In avague attempt to find something vanilla related..
    How about codename: planifolia?
  • maybe we should have a 'derailed threads' category...
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    I haven't decided what to call the other product yet. I've got two names so far, but the one I'm leaning towards is: Lemonade
  • Sounds nice, what's it meant to do? Can we finally coax something definate from you?
  • Mark, it clearly shows you can cook, you gotta have something bitter and something sweet, now that you have the sweet Vanilla, you need something bitter like Lemon or Lime. I'm more on the side of Lime since I like the color, and it matches to Vanilla better. "Make your community tasty with Lime and Vanilla, and your members will go mmmm..."
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    hehehe :)
  • Just need a mint extension and we're all set for some Pimms.
This discussion has been closed.