Custom registration fields?

edited September 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I want to be able to have a custom field on the signup forum. For example have a field saying "Forum Key" and they can enter a keyword there.. so when I go to approve memberships they keyword they entered will showup and I'll be able to approve or deny membership based on if the keyword they enter. Basically I want to limit registration to users who only know a certain keyword (say Fish) and so if they enter something other then Fish I know that they weren't invited to sign up. I'd also like to be able to add fields so they can enter who referred them as well.


  • You could always ask them to put the keyword and referer in the "Reason you want to join" box?
  • Didn't think of that! Thanks.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Yes, in your version ben's idea would be the easiest. Just open up your English.php language dictionary and find the definition for "why do you want to join" on the application form - then change it to something like, "Enter your forum key here"
  • I'm looking at adding inputs on the signup form and in user profiles for "url" and "myspace" links... was pondering the idea of an IM box too with a drop down for which network. (exp... dropdown: "aim, msn, yahoo, gtalk" - input: -text-) Not sure if it could be an extension or not due to the added db fields, but I'll see what I can do.
  • I don't know if extensions can actually write to the signin page? Mark? Lech? Jonezy? You can always add extra db fields, but why not just use the profile system thing, where you just specifiy what extra information you want to provide, and store it in the same way?
  • That would be marks call on the whole. I want to say yes you can, but I'm probably guessing you can't modify the sign-in as dynamicly as you can the rest of vanilla. The capability to do so looks like it's there, but I doubt the controls are in place to impliment modifiers.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Next rev...
  • again with the "next rev"....i think mark is just stringing us along! ;)
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