Thanks Dinoboff. I am using tabled theme. After I switch to back to the default vanilla theme. The problem is gone. I do not have an external site yet (just on my own PC), my ISP blocks the 80 port. It will take me sometime to put on another port.
Thanks for the upgrade package Dinoboff!
I've applied it to my sandbox copy of my live forum. What are the suggested checks before applying the changes to the live site? Drive it around and if nothing is broked, apply?
Check your theme need update; the following files have been changed: themes/account_preferences_form.php
If you are using a customized authenticator, check login/logout/change-password/reset-password are still working.
Hi Dinoboff,
I just downloaded 1.1.5a and the appg\version.php states:
define('APPLICATION', 'Vanilla');
define('FRAMEWORK_VERSION', '1.1.4');
define('PEOPLE_VERSION', '1.1.4');
define('APPLICATION_VERSION', '1.1.5');
When I sign in, it also states 1.1.5 instead of 1.1.5a
When I trigger the update check it tells me, that there is an update 1.1.5a avaible :(
Hi Dinoboff,
I installed the version.php contained in the zip-file you provided.
Vanilla now reports the correct version and the updater works also.
@Wallphone: (# 37)
I know, but this wont be a solution to stop people going back to phpBB and plenty of other forums.The more the update-intervalls are too big and the more the addons are outdated and buged the more ppl will leave vanilla i think. The vanilla coommunity is compared to the communities of other big forum software not the biggest as you know. And the more the community of vanilla is shriniking the more there will be the risk that only "freaks" or "pros" will use vanilla in future :(
The casual vanilla lovers will be gone then ... badly. Vanilla just deserved more then this im saying.
bit confused now ^^
i am running a 1.1.5 install now, upgraded from 1.1.4 and seems to work.
What should i do now? DL from original vanilla site or any other? what is 1.1.5a and whats not? should i do what told me here:
or what is told me here:
do i even have to upgrade to 1.1.5a or does it just affect some specific people?
some clear orders would be nice what to do if running a normal 1.1.5 installation.
thank you very much.
The official way to upgrade is
The zip file just pack them together (+js and css source file, my script add them automatically, it doesn't check if they has changed) (created at the same time than the official package, using the same list of changed files than the one put on the wiki - extracted from a svn diff)
"I am afraid the download script was sending 1.1.5, calling it 1.1.5a"
Is the original download the correct 1.1.5a now or still the 1.1.5 one?
I upgraded from 1.1.4 to 1.1.5a yesterday then today everybody's logins stopped working even though they'd worked a few times since the upgrade. Using the forgotten password link and changing the password to something new seemed to fix it.
I note from the previous posts in this thread that there's mention of the password field in the users table being changed somehow, is this related to the problem I encountered? This is the first time I've used Vanilla so I've just been getting my head around how it works!
Check your theme need update; the following files have been changed:
themes/account_preferences_form.php themes/categories.php themes/comment_form.php themes/comments.php themes/discussion.php themes/discussion_form.php themes/discussions.php themes/menu.php themes/people_foot.php themes/people_signout_form_nopostback.php themes/search_results_comments.php themes/search_results_users.php themes/settings_update_check_validpostback.php
If you are using a customized authenticator, check login/logout/change-password/reset-password are still working.
Which part of vanilla shows 1.1.5 and not 1.1.5a?
Are you using an customized authenticator like wordpress integration?